Saturday, June 2, 2012

N510HW solo flight to Rhodes

We were left behind, so we had to find out own way to Rhodes, only 410 nm from Istanbul.

We checked the weather, this picture was from the previous day. Today the weather was perfect with tail winds, blue Skies and CAVOK every where.

We did feel very small parked in front of the main terminal..This airport is like the LGA of New York with nearly the same amount of traffic...but the handling fee were only $ 350.00

we have already stopped in 11 countries of our 27 to visit. there are more flags to be added

we at the PIMAV 1 M departure, all program into the G1000 with the speed request, We had to study carefully the SID from the Gohsen Istanbul airport showing a speed of 220 KTS about 1000 after take off and prior to the turn...Man the Mustang is a great bird to do that and we were still showing 1000 feet per minute rate of climb

The arrival was a standard one and for once we were given an ILS with a good angle of intercept and no overspeed..we did capture on the first try and the landing was very smooth

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